RPI FOCUS Lab Meets with Climate Team at the Wild Center

RPI FOCUS Lab Intern Kamilia Nicolas, who is organizing a Capital Region Youth Climate Summit in the Fall, visited the Wild Center, which coordinates an international network of Youth Climate Summits. Kamilia met with Youth Climate Program coordinators Hannah Barg and Jen Kretser to discuss Climate Summit speakers, strategy, and programming.

The Wild Center will participate in the fall Youth Climate Summit, along with the City of Troy and the Children’s Museum at Saratoga, one of the FOCUS Lab partners. The Children’s Museum also coordinates the Climate Change Action Partnership (CCAP), a group of educators from local schools, state parks, and environmental programs that meet regularly to develop curriculum and activities around sustainability, estuary education, and climate change.


“Interviewing the Sidewalk”—an immersive walk & sound collection


RPI FOCUS Lab Interns Present Their Work