RPI FOCUS Lab Interns Present Their Work

The Spring 2023 Team of RPI FOCUS Lab Interns had their final Capstone presentations on April 28, in which they outlined all the work they’ve done this semester at the Lab, their plans for the future, and what they learned throughout the process.

Fifth year architecture student Cory Palmer discussed designing pamphlets for the current exhibition, a story booth, doing community outreach, and her curation of the next exhibition at the space (Y)OUR TOWN, a crowd sourced portrait of Troy. Second year architecture student Emily Zheng showed off all of the activities and worksheets that she designed for young people visiting the lab, as well as her river mural in the classroom space. She also unveiled takeaway toolkits for young people that would coincide with the (Y)OUR Town show, in which students could explore and map their home city. Fourth year sustainability studies student Kamilia Nicolas presented on designing a large-scale Youth Climate Conference in the fall and her outreach and partnerships with the city and many local organizations.


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