Scenes from “Making Small Cities Walkable” (5/25)

On May 25, The FOCUS Lab hosted a dynamic event, “Beyond the 15-Minute City: Making Small Cities Walkable,” with speakers Lindsay Zefting, James Rath, and Jackie Gonzales. The event was moderated by Future of Small Cities Institute founder Reif Larsen.

We covered a lot of ground, approaching walkability from a range of perspectives, including the engineering/infrastructure side (hard tissue) and the socio-cultural side (soft tissue). We discussed tolerable level of service delays, parking management strategies, promoting safety and usability, how to shift pedestrian culture, revealing the “walkable bones” of old cities, low-cost guerrilla interventions, how to get elected leaders to pay attention to issues of walkability, the right-wing backlash to the 15-minute city, and the climate implications of walkable cities.

You can view a video of the event here.


Call for Exhibition Submissions!


“Interviewing the Sidewalk”—an immersive walk & sound collection